Grateful Recovering Online Women

Group Conscience Topics


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OIAA Contributions (Discontinue) (10/14)
Decision: Decision: 19 out of 19 members who responded were all in agreement. Therefore, we have achieved consensus on this item and it is now a part of our Group Conscience decisions. The Treasurer will no longer make contributions on GROW's behalf to OIAA, and the Treasurer will void checks that were sent to but not cashed by OIAA.

Proposal: It is proposed that we discontinue supporting OIAA. In looking back at the group conscience decisions, it appears that problems have existed since at least 2003. At that point there were suggestions from the group that GROW discontinue contributions to OIAA and send contributions to GSR. Discussions were held but no formal proposal appears to have been made.

I therefore propose that contributions to OIAA be terminated and that all previous un-cashed checks be voided. GROW recognizes that OIAA has served a purpose in helping alcoholics in the past but the disorganization has led to the role of the organization being diminished. If at some time in the future OIAA resumes activity on a regular basis, future participation by GROW can be re-evaluated.

Comments: We have received the following comments from our members regarding OIAA to support this issue:

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OIAA Contributions (1/04)
Decision: Chair ended the discussion on OIAA Contributions, informing the group we would pick it up at the point of Motion at the April business meeting.

Proposal: OIAA Contributions

We have discussed a proposal that we decrease our contribution to OIAA with a concurrent increase in contribution to GSO, or that we eliminate our contributions to OIAA and give all of our excess to GSO.

Currently our Treasurer pays all group expenses first, maintains a prudent reserve equal to 6 months expenses and distributes the excess equally to OIAA and to GSO. In keeping with our wish to contribute only our fair share to the support of OIAA, I offer the following change for your consideration.

GROW will contribute 15% of excess funds to OIAA and 85% to the GSO. Might we reach consensus with a head nod in response to the above statement?"

Comments: OIAA Contributions. Our Treasurer reported that in the year 2000, 15 groups contributed to OIAA a total of $2011. GROW's portion was $130. In 2001, eight groups contributed a total of $693; GROW contributed $100 (15%). There were no OIAA Treasurer reports in 2002, but GROW records show that we contributed $287. In 2003, only five groups contributed a total of $696. GROW contributed $307 or 45%. The trend shows fewer groups contributing with GROW increasingly paying a larger percentage of the total.

According to the OIAA November 3, 2003, Treasurers Report, OIAA had a total of $4,813, including contributions from NB17 and GROW. Expenses for the Internet Server, List Server, office expenses are minimal at about $263. Karen proposed either decreasing our contribution to OIAA with a concurrent increase in contribution to GSO or eliminating our contributions to OIAA and giving all of our excess to GSO.

The Chair posted a summary from the April 2003, discussion in which we agreed that despite problems within the organization, OIAA is responsible for many good things, including 12-step work and online information. At that time we discussed withdrawing completely or reducing our financial contribution. Ultimately we agreed to re-evaluate the effectiveness of our continued participation and financial support at a future business meeting.

Of the 12 members who responded to this statement, 10 nodded in support. Of those 10, one stated she would not oppose sending OIAA a brief courteous note to this effect, and she wants to see the note before it is sent. Another commented that she feels that our OIAA rep should be the one to bring it to the OIAA group. One member does not support the statement (no specific reason given to the group). One member supports a reduction in the amount GROW contributes, but feels 15% is too drastic. She would support reducing the contribution to 25%.

We do not have consensus on the following statement: "GROW will contribute 15% of excess funds to OIAA and 85% to the GSO." Therefore we will move this item to formal vote. I have asked our secretary to post the voting procedures separately. According to group conscience guidelines any agenda item that has not reached a consensus or a motion in time to complete the procedure, must be tabled to the next scheduled business meeting. Therefore, this item will be held over to our April 2004 business meeting. I will call for a motion now, so we don't have to backtrack when we pick this item up again in April.

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Convention > Business Cards (1/00)
Decision: GROW "business cards" will be made available, the content of which will be decided by our OIAA representatives.

Convention > Chat (1/00)
Decision: GROW will host a special women's chat session during the OIAA Suite hosting at 2000 International Convention.

Convention > GROW Mailing List (4/00)
Decision: GROW will support a mail list being formed for the duration of the OIAA International Convention where convention visitors could share on the chosen topic, demonstrating how e-mail meetings work. GROW will ask for volunteers from the group to participate. We will not open the GROW mail list up to convention visitors.

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GROW Participation

OIAA Membership (4/16)
GROW will remain in OIAA and continue to send a Representative to Intergroup meetings.
Decision: The proposal has not succeeded in passing the required 2/3 majority. The vote is 9 In Favor and 8 Opposed.

GROW will remain in OIAA and continue to send a Representative to Intergroup meetings; however, the proposal is tabled for further discussion until the October business meeting.

Discussion: The motion was originally intended to see if the group wishes to remain in OIAA or to leave the Intergroup. During the discussion, Yvonne offered to assume the OIAA Representative position.

The first vote resulted in 15 in favor and two against the proposal. Minority opinion talked about long-standing experience with OIAA as being disorganized and inefficient (for example, not cashing our checks) with frequent “turf battles.” Several members who had previously voted to remain in OIAA changed their minds.

The re-vote was very close, with 9 in favor of remaining in the Intergroup and 8 opposed. A 2/3 majority is required for any motion to pass in a GROW-Business meeting. GROW will remain in OIAA for the time being, and we will continue to send a Representative. We will table further discussion of this issue until the October business meeting. No group conscience decision is set.

GROW Participation (4/03)
Decision: It was agreed to re-evaluate our continued participation and financial support with OIAA at our October business meeting. Our OIAA representative will inform OIAA of this decision.

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