Grateful Recovering Online Women

2007 Group Conscience Decisions

This is a summary of the group conscience decisions made in 2007.

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January, 2007

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July, 2007

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October, 2007

Job Descriptions [decision by consensus]

Agreed to make the following changes to job descriptions for the purpose of uniformity and clarity:

Added to "Work with Secretary and Listkeeper to deal with disruptions"...
*in keeping with Our Common Welfare Guidelines, as approved group conscience.* (with link to common welfare guidelines)

Add links to Greeter letters 1 and 2

Add links to E-Mail Etiquette and Monthly Listkeeper Message
Add to "Work with Chair and Secretary to deal with disruptions"...
*in keeping with Our Common Welfare Guidelines, as approved group conscience.* (with link to common welfare guidelines)

Add links to Etiquette and FAQ
Delete Welcome Letter, add Greeter letters 1 and 2 with links
Add: Send Steering Committee Welcome Letter [link] to all new trusted servants.
Add: "Work with Chair and Listkeeper to deal with disruptions"...
*in keeping with Our Common Welfare Guidelines, as approved group conscience.* (with link to common welfare guidelines)

Delete "Periodically confirm sponsor volunteers are still GROW members"
Replace with: "At the term's beginning and midterm, confirm sponsor volunteers are still GROW members. "
Add to "Once each month mail sponsor list to the group and seek additional volunteers for online sponsoring"...
***"using Sponsor Letter Template approved by group conscience"

Delete: "# Send weekly announcements to the group, passing the basket (announcement includes a postal mailing address for contributions)
Replace with: Send weekly passing-the-basket announcement to the group, using the 7th Tradition Announcement Template approved by group conscience. Be sure to include your postal mailing address for mail-in contributions (with link)


Delete: "Occasionally verify that members of the 12 Step Committee are current GROW members
Replace with: "Verify once a month that members of the 12 Step Committee are current GROW members."

Delete: "Send out periodic [MONTHLY] announcements"
Replace with: "Send out monthly announcements to the group regarding Step opportunities, using 12-Step Opportunity Letter approved by group conscience."


Delete: "Schedule should be completed up to three months in advance"
Replace with: "Schedule should be completed for no more than three months in advance.

Delete "Make periodic announcements to the group asking for volunteers
Replace with "At the end of each month, call for topic volunteers to fill the 3rd unfilled month, using Weekly Leader Template approved by group conscience." (with link.)

Webkeeper & Backup [decision by consensus]

Agreed to the following job descriptions for the webkeeper and webkeeper backup:


Non-rotating term
2 years sobriety
2 years GROW membership

Must be member of Business List

Be a non-voting member of the Steering Committee

Maintain public website ( for GROW to provide information about Alcoholics Anonymous and for the purpose of attracting new members, Information should include:
--Info about Alcoholics Anonymous
--Info about GROW
--Frequently Asked Questions
--Our Guiding Philosophy
--Guide for Email Etiquette
--Traditions in Cyberspace
--How to become a member

Maintain a password protected private section on to provide GROW members with information about GROW, including:
--List of trusted servants and job descriptions
--Info about how we conduct business
--Group conscience decisions
--Common Welfare Guidelines
--Archives in keeping with group conscience guidelines
--Important Addresses

Work closely with GROW Archivist and Steering Committee to ensure that pertinent group history is preserved and that archives are accessible to GROW members in keeping with the GROW Archives Guidelines.

Inform Steering Committee when updates are made to the website.

Consult with Steering Committee before making substantial design or content changes to GROW website.

Post quarterly business meetings and keep updated throughout the business meeting.

Ensure that any material post on appropriately protects the anonymity of anyone mentioned.

As owner of the EsoSoft account, pay annual service fee and provide copy of invoice/receipt to GROW Treasurer for reimbursement.

As owner of the EsoSoft account, change the forwarding information of with each new Treasurer.

Provide the Backup Webkeeper's email address to EsoSoft and designate her as co-owner.

Provide Backup Webkeeper with all necessary information and passwords to access the Esosoft account and web server.

Receive copies of email messages sent to; have access to the GROW PayPal account at, and provide technical support to Treasurer as needed. Must be able to reply to business and steering committee email within 48 hours. If unable to do so, should inform the steering committee in advance, or in the case of a computer related problem, telephone another member of the Steering Committee.

Upon retirement, transfer EsoSoft account to successor, provide successor with all necessary information, including job guidelines, and serve as a mentor for a period of time to ensure continuity of service.

The following are helpful to this position:
--Good E-mail program
--Reliable Server
--Good communication skills
--Be able to cut, copy, paste, and save to a folder
--Basic knowledge of web design and development and ability to problem solve server issues with service provider


Non-rotating term
2 years sobriety
2 years GROW membership
Must be member of Business List

Carry out duties as outlined in the Webkeeper Job Guidelines and maintain in the absence of the Webkeeper.

Be designated as co-owner of the EsoSoft account.

Receive, from the Webkeeper, all necessary information and passwords to access the EsoSoft account and web server.

As co-owner, receive copies of all email messages, invoices and account statements from EsoSoft.

Receive copies of email messages sent to; have access to the GROW PayPal account at, and provide technical support to Treasurer as needed.

In the event of an emergency in which the Webkeeper is no longer available, contact EsoSoft to make necessary changes in account.

In the permanent absence of the Webkeeper, assume the duties permanently, or at least until the next business meeting when a new Webkeeper can be selected.

In absence of the Webkeeper, pay annual EsoSoft service fee and provide copy of invoice/receipt to GROW Treasurer for reimbursement.

Transfer EsoSoft account to permanent Webkeeper or designate new Backup Webkeeper as co-owner, providing all necessary passwords and information to access EsoSoft account and web server.

Serve as a mentor to replacement for a period of time to ensure continuity of service.

Non-responding TS Language [decision by consensus]

Must be able to reply to business and steering committee email within 48 hours. If unable to do so, should inform the steering committee in advance, or in the case of a computer related problem, make every effort to telephone another group member who can let the Steering Committee know.

* Lack of response to business, steering committee, or direct personal email by another trusted servant for a period of seven consecutive days will be reason for a temporary replacement chosen by the steering committee.

* Lack of response to business, steering committee, or direct personal email by another trusted servant for a period of fourteen consecutive days will be reason for temporary replacement by steering committee until a permanent replacement can be chosen by the next business meeting.

Birthday Listkeeper Job Description [decision by consensus]

We have agreed to change the Birthday Listkeeper's Job Description as follows:

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